
Restless Encounters - TTRPG Encounter Ideas For A Night's Watch

Created by Inkwell Ideas

The party makes camp, sets their watches, then you as the GM roll a random encounter... what happens? With this deck of encounter ideas, each of the 50+ cards has a detailed encounter idea more interesting than 'you hear 1d4 giant rats in the corner'.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Congratulations! What's Next & A Couple of Shout-outs!
5 months ago – Thu, May 09, 2024 at 08:20:47 PM

Congratulations to all of us! Your support really does make this project possible, thank you! (If you didn't get a chance to pledge, you can still back the project here for a limited time.) 

To be honest I wasn't sure what to expect with this new project.  I really loved the concept--it truly did seem to hit a need for TTRPG game masters that isn't addressed by many other resources.  But it is different from anything else we've done.

We were almost done writing the cards before launch--I think just the two bonus cards were not started. But the writing is now 100% done and I read through all the cards one more time yesterday and sent them over to our editor to edit.  We are waiting on a handful of art pieces, but I'm confident we'll have those in the next week or two. 

So we plan to send the surveys as soon as possible. If Backerkit is like Kickstarter, they will take 2 weeks to collect payment (allowing time for people to update expired credit cards or anything like that) and then we can send out the surveys. Because two weeks from now puts us right before Memorial Day we may not get the surveys out until just after Memorial Day.  PDFs will go out at roughly the same time--maybe a day or two later.

Then we'll have about a week for anyone to point out any problems or additional typos before we send them to the printer. Finally it should be 4 weeks or so for them to print the decks and me to send them to you!  (Late June/early July--depending on the printer's backlog.)

I feel very lucky to have some great friends & colleagues as fellow game creators.  Below are two of their projects that are worth checking out. 

First up, already launched & funded is the Oracle Monster Generator from Nord Games:

Use it & the many options on each of 420 cards to generate new monsters for your game setting!

Second, Jason at Earl of Fife Games has an upcoming Kickstarter called "Dungeons Deep and Caverns Old":

Delve into an ancient dwarven kingdom, navigating political intrigue and uncovering long-lost secrets in the Halls of Splendor. It is a campaign setting with 4 subclasses, 10 backgrounds, 9 new adversaries, 10 new feats, and confront corruption with a brand-new
5E sub-system.

Thanks again for your support!

Restless Encounters Bonus Card Samples
5 months ago – Mon, May 06, 2024 at 07:21:40 AM

Hi all,

With this Restless Encounters* crowdfunding campaign ending this Thursday at 11pm US eastern time** I wanted to preview our bonus cards.  While we originally planned to let the voting on what to do with our bonus cards run through the end of the campaign, the results were so far in favor of the Foraging Mini-system, People You Meet on the Road Generator, and to a lesser degree (but still strong) our Quick Hitters, we went ahead and developed these.

* If you haven't heard about this project yet, Restless Encounters is a standard poker sized deck of cards where the fronts of over 50 cards are art (NPC, monster, visual of the encounter area, or a map) relating to an encounter idea that would take place during a party's rest. The other side of the card is an outline of that encounter.  Our project page has a 15 card sample. The deck will also have a cover/credits card, a promo card, and the two bonus cards shown below.

** Backerkit has an interesting feature where if someone pledges in the last 10 minutes, it will extend the campaign by 10 minutes, and if someone pledges during that time, it will extend it again, and so on.

Unlike the rest of the cards where one side is art, these are text on both sides.  Note that these are first drafts and we'll be revising them as we test them out more (and looking for typos):

Thank you for your continued support on this project!  We're anxious to get everything finalized.  We expect to deliver the PDFs by the end of May and the printed decks a month or so after that, depending on the printer's workload.


Resetless Encounters Deck Bonus Cards Poll
5 months ago – Fri, Apr 19, 2024 at 05:23:47 PM

Hey folks,

We've had a great first nine days for this project, especially considering the main reward is a single deck of TTRPG cards. (Not 8 or 12 decks or dice sets as we've done in the past.)  The whole crew & I have had a fun time putting these cards together and curating the list of encounters.

One thing that you can help us with via your votes is what to do with the "bonus" cards.  We originally planned for a 54 card deck (52 of them will be similar to the sample cards--one encounter detailed on a card, plus a "cover" card with credits and such and a "promo" card mentioning our other products).  But most card printers are set up to add in two joker cards--so that gives us two more cards of cool stuff we can make!

Please vote now in the attached/linked poll to let us know what you'd like to see. Our ideas are:
  • Another encounter idea on a card - just like most of the cards in the deck
  • A second bonus encounter idea on a card (we repeated this option because we could do it for both bonus cards if it gets enough support)
  • Quick Hitters: several 1-3 sentence encounter ideas
  • Hunting/Foraging mini-system (probably D&D-esque, but simple enough to convert to other games)
  • Generator for folks you meet on the road (pilgrims chanting, farmer with a broken wagon, etc.)

And of course if you're able to spread the word about our project, please do.  We really do feel it is filling a need that aren't addressed by too many other products or tools.

Thank you!

First 48 Hours Update & Some Project Background
6 months ago – Fri, Apr 12, 2024 at 07:14:44 AM

Hi All,

Thank you for your interest in our latest crowdfunding project!  At about 48 hours into this project, we're at over 400% our original goal. 

We did set that goal at the minimum amount we'd need to finish the project.  It is low because all of the writing we already done and about half of the art is done as well. In fact, we actually wrote 80 Restless Encounter cards and we're going to narrow it down to the best 54 for the deck. The extra funds will help us pay back what we've already spent (thank you!), give us more wiggle room for the art budget, and fund the larger print run we'll need.

And don't forget: We've got a poll question on the project about where do your PCs most often make camp.  Let us know what you think!  Also if you have other poll question ideas or any other questions, please post a comment.

Speaking of questions, don't forget to check our FAQ.  One key answer I want to point out is we are not using any AI to create any content on the project. And all the freelancers I'm working with have worked with us before--most before tools like ChatGPT were widely available. We're creators and want to support other creators.

Finally, if you have an opportunity to share/like/comment on our project, please do.  For example, here is our Facebook announcement. Facebook does a "good" job of relegating promotional posts--even to people who follow us--so it is helpful to share/like it and especially comment.  

Thanks again!